For small businesses and organisations writing blog posts can be a bit of a nause. We’ve all read the articles, listened to the marketing spiel, but when it comes to actually writing them ‘What the hell do I write?’.

We’ve compiled our ten favourite spring boards to content writing.

Events your companies been to or taking part in

It’s great to let your customers know what you’ve been up to and where you’ve been or will be. Whether this is trade shows, community events or events you’re hosting. Check out this great little post from Kate on Conservation about a visit to Woodberry Wetland’s Batfest.

Your chosen Charity or companies you support

If you’ve got a Charity of the year then feature it, customers want to see you doing your bit. Corporate Social Responsibility is a hot topic this year, chances are your company is supporting a charity already. The Custard Factory in Digbeth, Birmingham cracks it with this post about Community-Apprentice Scheme.

You could also use your blog post to boost businesses and products you love. Check out a post from the classy beauty blogger, Madeleine Loves.

New products and website features

Got something worth shouting about? Perfect blog post, just don’t forget your call to action at the end. A great example of this is Riverford Organic Farmers launching a new cook book.

Customer information or reviews

Answering a common question or shedding new light on a topic is excellent for getting people talking and sharing. Answer the questions relevant to your business: How to do, what to do when, what we think of ect. Tech Radar is a site I personally use quite a bit, it’s full of honest, well-written reviews.

‘Top 10’ posts

Just like this one, Top 10 posts are fantastic clickbait. We love this one with website design trends for 2018 from Econsultancy.

Informative posts (helping your customers fix a problem… like what to write in a blog post for instance)

How-to posts are a great way of helping out your customers with solving problems, promoting your products or directing them to the right service. This post from DIY Doctor ticks all the boxes.

Interview a guest

Make it interesting, dig deep and get to know someone a little better. Why do they do what they do, and what do you think your customers will find entertaining and informative. This blog post from an Interview with Valter Balducci has it all. Want to know more about writing Interview posts? Check this great outline out here.

Make a quiz

They don’t have a to be complicated, but they can be fun and educational! For instance ‘What’s your forest name?’ (Mine was Apple Birdie by the way, oh yeah.) You can build your own here.

Case Studies

Discuss a product or service, talk about the factors that caused it to be a success or a failure. Case studies are fantastic! This elegant blog post from Ideo on The Future of Urban Farming.


There’s a lot of ways to keep your blog fresh, original and inspiring. Change up the status quo and you’ll find you have more visitors to your blog!

Published On: July 27th, 2020Categories: Content & Copywriting Tips

About the Author: Chloe Roberts

Tech nerd / Avid collector of pointless knick-knacks / Music obsessive. Originally coming from a behind-the-scenes theatre background, Chloe specialises in SME Business Development, Project Management and SEO. She’s apt at developing digital strategy to promote business growth and currently has over 10 businesses that she helps steer. She loves a challenge and thrives off seeing independent businesses grow into strong, sustainable enterprises.