When considering designs for your new website design it’s easy to look at your competitors and want to match their website style. We challenge you to think big, be bold and add exciting elements to your new site.
Things to consider when looking for design inspiration:
- You’ll likely have your new website for the next couple of years, so it’s important to be ahead of the game to avoid the site looking dated in a year’s time.
- Look for inspiration outside of your sector. Check out your favourite designers’ website or favorite shop for inspiration.
- Cherry-pick your design elements. One website you frequent might have a useful feature, another might have a nice animation. Write down what you like and let us make you something unique that fits your brand’s style.
- Consider your demographic. Do you the people you want to target preference a certain type of user interface?
You can be memorable in lots of ways. Creatively written content, eclectic style, or by creating an amazing user experience.
We love to create unique and engaging sites, so however wacky your idea, feel free to discuss them with us.